1. Please create a guest account

Now, it is not possible to make a reservation without registering an account.

So, please creat an account. Host accounts (guests and agents) cannot make reservations.

  1. After creating an account, please Log in .

  2. Go to the detailed page of the tour you wish to book and click "Reservation" in the upper right corner of the page.


  1. Click "Make a Reservation" and the calendar below will appear.


①Select the dates you wish to attend from the calendar.  ②Click on the date and starting time of your choice. If the box turns green, it means the date/time is selected.  ③Click "Next.”

※If "Next" button is grayed and you cannot click on it, it is because you have not selected any dates.

  1. After clicking "Next", the following screen will appear.


①Write the numbers of the guests

②Write a coupon code (if you have)